VISD Superintendent discusses EAFK
Today, we would like to acknowledge Victoria Rotary, Northside Rotary and the Downtown Rotary clubs for their dedication and devotion in supporting our Early Act First Knight (EAFK) program in 14 of our elementary schools - Aloe, Chandler, Crain, DeLeon, Dudley, F.W. Gross, Hopkins, O'Connor, Rowland, Schorlemmer, Shields, Smith, Torres and Vickers.
Early Act First Knight is a national schoolwide service club for kindergarten through fifth-grade students and is sponsored by the local Rotary clubs. We are extremely appreciative to all three of Victoria's Rotary clubs for their support of VISD and their continued service as a "Champion for our Children."
The mission of EAFK is to create an understanding of peace through the active participation of its students, so the students may then in turn provide goodwill and service throughout our community and across the globe.
Students are taught to recognize the dignity and worth of each individual, which then builds respect for others. Each student learns the virtues of caring, respect, empathy, responsibility, tolerance, citizenship, compassion, friendship and leadership while in the EAFK program. The students also learn the Rotarian Four-Way Test, which states: "Of the things we think, say or do - Is it the truth?; Is it fair to all concerned?; Will it build goodwill and better friendships?; and, Will it be beneficial to all concerned?"
These virtues and the four-way test are incorporated as a part of the curriculum and discussed daily with our students. It is clearly evident through our recognition ceremonies that the EAFK program provides a positive impact on student success, and we are looking forward to expanding this program throughout the rest of our elementary schools in the near future.
The Victoria Independent School District established its roots in 1824 as Don Martin De Leon and 41 families settled into the region that is now known as Victoria.
The past 192 years have brought forth much change, but our commitment to working together with our community and business partners in advancing all students to reach their maximum potential continues to remain strong.
Today, we would like to acknowledge Victoria Rotary, Northside Rotary and the Downtown Rotary clubs for their dedication and devotion in supporting our Early Act First Knight (EAFK) program in 14 of our elementary schools - Aloe, Chandler, Crain, DeLeon, Dudley, F.W. Gross, Hopkins, O'Connor, Rowland, Schorlemmer, Shields, Smith, Torres and Vickers.
Early Act First Knight is a national schoolwide service club for kindergarten through fifth-grade students and is sponsored by the local Rotary clubs. We are extremely appreciative to all three of Victoria's Rotary clubs for their support of VISD and their continued service as a "Champion for our Children."
The mission of EAFK is to create an understanding of peace through the active participation of its students, so the students may then in turn provide goodwill and service throughout our community and across the globe.
Students are taught to recognize the dignity and worth of each individual, which then builds respect for others. Each student learns the virtues of caring, respect, empathy, responsibility, tolerance, citizenship, compassion, friendship and leadership while in the EAFK program. The students also learn the Rotarian Four-Way Test, which states: "Of the things we think, say or do - Is it the truth?; Is it fair to all concerned?; Will it build goodwill and better friendships?; and, Will it be beneficial to all concerned?"
These virtues and the four-way test are incorporated as a part of the curriculum and discussed daily with our students. It is clearly evident through our recognition ceremonies that the EAFK program provides a positive impact on student success, and we are looking forward to expanding this program throughout the rest of our elementary schools in the near future.
Aug. 25, we held a Special Called Board Meeting to make the final amendments to the 2015-16 fiscal year's budget, adopt the budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year and adopt the 2016-17 fiscal year's tax rate. This year's Maintenance and Operations tax rate is at $1.04, and the Debt Service tax rate, otherwise known as Interest and Sinking, is $0.2263, for a total tax rate of $1.2663. We are pleased to announce that despite the loss of revenue of $2,324,885, VISD is able to provide a balanced budget and maintain our current tax rate despite this significant loss in funding.
We also had the distinct privilege to honor our VISD Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year. In the story "Live a Life That Matters," the author asks the reader, "When it is all said and done, how will the value of your days be measured?" What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave. What will matter is not your success, but your significance.
Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident. It is not a matter of circumstance; it is a matter of choice. Great service always begins with a willing heart, a positive attitude and a desire to make a difference. Please join me in congratulating these remarkable educators for the significant contributions and extraordinary service they provide to the students, staff and community of the VISD. They truly choose to "live a life that matters," and we will be forever in their debt.
Robert Jaklich is the superintendent for the Victoria Independent School District. Contact him at 361-788-9202 or through the VISD website,